Stem Cell Related Patent Number US4808532
Title: | Continuous human cell lines and method of making same | Inventors: | Stampfer, Martha R.; Oakland, CA, USA | Summary: | This invention describes continuous human cell lines which are derived from normal human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) according to a method of treatment with a chemical carcinogen. Described herein are genetically stable continuous human cell lines derived from normal HMECs and processes for their production and use. Further disclosed are methods by which cell lines are derived from such HMECs by treating normal human mammary epithelial tissue with a chemical carcinogen that is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon such as benzo[a]pyrene. Multiple embodiments of the invention are included. Also provided are techniques by which the novel cell lines may serve as useful substrates for elucidating the potential effects of a number of toxins, carcinogens and mutagens and of additional exogenous genetic material. Methods are further included by which the autogenic parent cells from which the cell lines are derived may serve as the control samples for testing. | Abstract: | | US Patent Website: | Click Here for Full Text of Patent | Title Number: | US4808532 | Application Number: | US1985000750124 | Date Filed: | 01/07/1985 | Date Published: | 28/02/1989 | Assignee: | The USA as represented by the United States Department of Energy, Washington, DC, USA |