Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

Stem Cell Clinic
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3D Culture/Scaffold

Stem Cell Related Patent Number US5693482

Title:Neural chest stem cell assay
Inventors:Anderson, David J.; Altadena, CA, USA
Stemple, Derek L.; Newton, MA, USA
Summary:Described herein is a method for assaying the effect of a substance on neural crest stem cells via a process of contacting the cell culture with the substance and determining the effect. The invention relates to mammalian multipotent neural stem cells and their progeny, and methods for the isolation and clonal propagation of such cells which are capable of self-regeneration and asymmetrical division. Further described are cells which are transfected with foreign nucleic acid resulting in an immortalized neural stem cell. Also provided are transplantation assays which allow for the identification of mammalian multipotent neural stem cells from various tissues, and methods for transplanting mammalian neural stem cells and neural or glial progenitors into mammals. Further claims of the invention include a novel method for detecting antibodies to neural cell surface markers as well as a monoclonal antibody to the mouse LNGFR. Experimental applications are included for the clonal propagation of non-transformed mammalian multipotent cells.
Abstract:The invention includes mammalian multipotent neural stem cells and their progeny and methods for the isolation and clonal propagation of such cells. At the clonal level the stem cells are capable of self regeneration and asymmetrical division. Lineage restriction is demonstrated within developing clones which are sensitive to the local environment. The invention also includes such cells which are transfected with foreign nucleic acid, e.g., to produce an immortalized neural stem cell. The invention further includes transplantation assays which allow for the identification of mammalian multipotent neural stem cells from various tissues and methods for transplanting mammalian neural stem cells and/or neural or glial progenitors into mammals. A novel method for detecting antibodies to neural cell surface markers is disclosed as well as a monoclonal antibody to mouse LNGFR.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US5693482
Application Number:US1995000474506
Date Filed:07/06/1995
Date Published:02/12/1997
Assignee:California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  2/26/2025