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Stem Cell Related Patent Number US5772994

Title:Hematopoietic facilitatory cells and their uses
Inventors:Ildstad, Suzanne T.; Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Simmons, Richard L.; Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Ricordi, Camillo; Miami Beach, FL, USA
Wren, Sherry M.; Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Kaufman, Christina; Munhall, PA, USA
Summary:Described herein are pure mammalian hematopoietic facilitatory cells (FC), methods and uses thereof. The invention relates to the capacity of such FC to facilitate the engraftment of bone marrow cells without producing graft-versus-host disease. Further disclosed are methods of isolation and characterization of the FC, which are distinguishable from all other known bone marrow cells by their morphology, cell surface phenotype and in vivo function. Central to the invention is the discovery that purified hematopoietic stem cells alone or bone marrow cells depleted of FC do not readily engraft in a recipient, but when co-administered with other bone marrow cells, especially hematopoietic stem cells, into a recipient, the FC have been shown to enhance engraftment. Further claims of the invention include the ability of the FC to enhance the engraftment of bone marrow cells in establishing lymphohematopoietic chimerism without producing graft-versus-host disease. Therapeutic applications are included for the facilitation of solid organ, tissue and cellular transplantation, and for hematopoietic reconstitution by bone marrow transplantation for the treatment of cancer, anemia, autoimmune and immunodeficiency disorders, viral infections and metabolic disorders.
Abstract:The present invention relates to mammalian hematopoietic facilitatory cells (FC). In particular, it relates to the isolation, characterization and uses of the FC. The FC of the present invention can be distinguished from all other known bone marrow cells by their morphology, cell surface phenotype and in vivo function. It has now been established that purified hematopoietic stem cells alone or bone marrow cells depleted of FC do not readily engraft in a recipient. When co-administered with other bone marrow cells, especially the hematopoietic stem cells into a recipient, the FC enhance their engraftment, without apparent adverse biologic activities. In fact, the ability of the FC to enhance the engraftment of bone marrow cells in esablishing lymphohematopoietic chimerism without producing graft versus host disease also induces donor-specific tolerance to permit the permanent acceptance of donor's cells, tissues and organs. Therefore, FC may have a wide range of applications, including, but not limited to, hematopoietic reconstitution by bone marrow transplantation for the treatment of cancers, anemias, autoimmunity, immunodeficiency, viral infections and metabolic disorders as well as facilitation of solid organ, tissue and cellular transplantation.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US5772994
Application Number:US1995000463908
Date Filed:05/06/1995
Date Published:30/06/1998
Assignee:The University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  2/26/2025