Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

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3D Culture/Scaffold

Stem Cell Related Patent Number US5912173

Title:Transgenic murine model for XSCID
Inventors:Leonard, Warren J.; Bethesda, MD, USA
Summary:This invention provides an isolated nucleic acid sequence encoding murine IL-2R gamma, methods and uses thereof. Described herein is a vector for producing a mutated murine IL-2R? nucleic acid, such that the vector comprising an IL-2R? construct is capable of homologous recombination with X-chromosomal DNA in murine cells transfected by the vector, thereby causing an IL-2R? deficiency. Therapeutic applications are directed toward the diagnosis of X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (XSCID) via a process of detecting the mutated IL-2R? gene. Further disclosed are properties associated with transgenic nonhuman mammals containing the mutated gene.
Abstract:The present invention provides an isolated nucleic acid sequence encoding murine IL-2R.gamma.. The present invention also provides a vector comprising a mutated IL-2R.gamma. nucleic acid which is capable of homologous recombination in at least some cells to which the vector is introduced. The present invention also provides an embryonic stem cell comprising a mutated IL-2R.gamma. nucleic acid integrated into the cell by homologous recombination following transfection with the vector above. The present invention further provides a blastocyst cell comprising the embryonic stem cell above. In addition, the present invention provides a transgenic animal comprising a mutated IL-2R.gamma. gene. In particular, the animal is a non-human mammal whose germ and somatic cells contain a mutated IL-2R.gamma. gene sequence introduced into said mammal, or an ancestor thereof, at an embryonic stage. The present invention also provides a method of producing a non-human mammal with XSCID which comprises introducing into at least some cells of the recipient animal a mutated IL-2R.gamma. gene. Lastly, the present invention provides a non-human animal produced by the method above, and progeny thereof, wherein at least some cells retain a mutated IL-2R.gamma. gene.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US5912173
Application Number:US1995000424224
Date Filed:19/04/1995
Date Published:15/06/1999
Assignee:The USA as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC, USA

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  2/26/2025