Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

Stem Cell Clinic
Patient Application
3D Culture/Scaffold

Stem Cell Related Patent Number US6638763

Title:Isolated mammalian neural stem cells, methods of making such cells
Inventors:Steindler, Dennis A.; Memphis, TN, USA
Laywell, Eric D.; Memphis, TN, USA
Kukekou, Valery G.; Memphis, TN, USA
Thomas, L. Brannon; Johnson City, TN, USA
Summary:This invention describes a process for isolating a purified population of primitive human brain stem cells. Claims of the invention include previously unknown populations of neural progenitor cells which have been found within the adult mammalian brain. Further disclosed are methods by which such dissociated human brain cells may be cultured on a non-adhesive substrate in suspension culture supplemented with fetal bovine serum and methyl cellulose, such that the culturing conditions inhibit cell-cell and cell-substrate interactions. The resulting substantially homogeneous population of pluripotent brain stem cells are described as immunonegative for glial fibrillary protein, nestin and TuJ1 and are free from mature, differentiated neurons and glia. Therapeutic applications are included, such as in the treatment of neuronal disorders such as traumatic injury, neurodegenerative disease, multiple sclerosis, neuroma and stroke
Abstract:Using a novel culture approach, previously unknown populations of neural progenitor cells have been found within an adult mammalian brain. By limiting cell-cell contact, dissociated adult brain yields at least two types of cell aggregates. These aggregates or clones of stem/precursor cells can be generated from adult brain tissue with significantly long postmortem intervals. Both neurons and glia arise from stem/precursor cells of these cultures, and the cells can survive transplantation to the adult mammalian brain.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US6638763
Application Number:US1999000402227
Date Filed:01/10/1999
Date Published:28/10/2003
Assignee:University of Tennessee Research Foundation

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  2/26/2025