Methods comprising apoptosis inhibitors for the generation of transgenic pigs

Stem Cell Clinic
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3D Culture/Scaffold

Stem Cell Related Patent Number US6835377

Title:Osteoarthritis cartilage regeneration
Inventors:Goldberg, Victor M.; Gates Mills, OH Caplan, Arnold I.; Cleveland Heights, OH Barry, Francis P.; Baltimore, MD Fink, David J.; Baltimore, MD Marshak, Daniel R.; Lutherville, MD Burns, James S.; Annapolis, MD
Summary:Described herein is a method of regenerating articular cartilage disorders in a host, via the administration of cultured human mesenchymal stem cells with a fibroblastic morphology. The invention relates to the repair of cartilage that has been damaged as part of the degenerative process of osteoarthritis, such that human mesenchymal stem cell allow the regeneration both of shallow cartilage chondral defects and of full thickness cartilage defects or osteochondral lesions, thereby eliminating the need for autologous tissue grafts with mature cartilage and the periosteal covering. Methods of administration are provided, including the use of a biomatrix material comprising a TGF-?3 promoting factor and human mesenchymal stem cells in the range of approximately 0.1?108 to 1?108 cells. Further described are methods by which patellar and spinal disk cartilage may be regenerated, as well as subchondral bone. Therapeutic applications emphasize chondral and osteochondral defects in osteoarthritis.
Abstract:For repair of cartilage damaged as part of the degenerative effects of osteoarthritis, the inventors have found that the human mesenchymal stem cell approach makes it possible to: (1) regenerate both shallow cartilage chondral defects and full thickness cartilage defects (osteochondral lesions); (2) broaden the suitable clinical population to routinely include middle-aged patients; (3) eliminate the use of autologous tissue grafts (mature cartilage and the periosteal covering) to repair an articular cartilage injury; (4) regenerate other types of injured cartilage such as patellar and spinal disk cartilage; (5) regenerate articular joint cartilage in older patients with osteoarthritis; and (6) form new cartilage and subchondral bone which fully integrate into the adjacent normal tissue.
US Patent Website:Click Here for Full Text of Patent
Title Number:US6835377
Application Number:US1998000078531
Date Filed:13/05/1998
Date Published:28/12/2004
Assignee:Osiris Therapeutics, Inc., Baltimore, MD

Copyright © 2007 The Institute for Cellular Medicine  3/14/2025