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Cardiac Stem Cell Therapy Comes Closer to Mainstream
Cell Transplantation
December 27, 2007
Since the year 2000, much has been learned about the potential for using transplanted cells in therapeutic efforts to treat varieties of cardiac disorders. With many questions remaining, the current issue of CELL TRANSPLANTATION (Vol.16 No. 9), The Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference on Cell Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease, presents research aimed at answering some of them.

MS and ALS Adult Stem Cell Progress Made in Israel
December 25, 2007
Scientists based at Jerusalem's Hadassah University Hospital have broken new ground in the field of stem cell research by injecting sufferers of neurological diseases with therapeutic quantities of cultured adult stem cells.

Ethical Bio-Replacements on the Way Thanks to Adult Stem Cell Breakthroughs
December 23, 2007
No need to worry about the ethical implications of stem-cell research anymore: American scientists have done it again. Continuing the work of their fellow Japanese and U.S. colleagues, another team of U.S. scientists has come up with a way to produce "safe patient-specific" cells that don't pose the risk of developing cancer.

Stem Cell Research Grant Awarded by Archdiocese
Catholic News Agency
December 22, 2007
Cardinal George Pell has announced that Archdiocese of Sydney is awarding a $100,000 stem cell research grant to a team of researchers investigating the potential of adult stem cells. The researchers, based in Adelaide, will use the grant to investigate the capacity of stem cells derived from human dental pulp to transform into neuron cells.

Expansion of Cord Blood Stem Cells a Valuable Tool
Medical News Today
December 20, 2007
To allow for multiple uses and also to increase their capacity for transplantation in adolescents and adults, researchers are developing methods to stimulate stem cells to divide and increase in number while retaining their primitive state. This process is known as stem cell expansion.

New Characteristics of Nanog Stem Cells Revealed
The Scotsman
December 19, 2007
Aiding the understanding of how stem cells can be used to treat disease and injury, researchers at Edinburgh University have made new discoveries about stem cells. Previously thought to operate like an on/off switch for duplication, the findings focus on the nanog stem cell.

Adult Stem Cell Breakthroughs Continue Embryonic Stem Cells Disappoint
December 18, 2007
Success story after success story with adult stem cells were under reported by the media, while the cure-all ESC were hyped even though they have shown no actual success in humans. Ironically, adult stem cells have been saving patients lives for years (bone marrow transplants), while ESC scientists have yet to control the growth rate of the ESC.

28 Heart Failure Patients Treated with Adult Stem Cells
Express Healthcare
December 17, 2007
Sir Hurkisondas Nurrotumdas (HN) Hospital, Mumbai recently declared it has treated 28 patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI) by using autologous stem cells. The project, started in June 2005, chose patients from the age group of 39-68 years. The project was funded by the Medical Research Society of HN Hospital.

Key Blood Cell Isolated by Stanford Researchers
Stanford University
December 16, 2007
Stanford University researchers have isolated a human blood cell that represents the "great grandparent" of all blood cells, a finding that may lead to more effective treatment of leukemia and other blood diseases.

Breast Reconstruction with Fat Stem Cells
Associated Press
December 15, 2007
For the first time, doctors have used stem cells from liposuctioned fat to fix breast defects in women who have had cancerous lumps removed. The approach is still experimental, but holds promise for millions of women left with cratered areas and breasts that look very different from each other after cancer surgery. It also might be a way to augment healthy breasts without using artificial implants.

Historic Spinal Surgery for Teen in Arizona
Associated Press
December 14, 2007
Matthew Baremore woke up Tuesday morning, finished his book report on a Tom Clancy novel and prepared to make medical history. Fusion surgery using a concentrated cocktail of his own stem cells and donated bone. The stem cell technology speeds healing and helps Matthew's body to grow new bone along his curving spine. It also averts the need for a second procedure to harvest a piece of Matthew's bone.

Stem Cell Gene Therapy Advanced in Ireland
The Hindu
December 13, 2007
Ireland Cancer Center researchers have recently made great strides in stem cell gene therapy research by transferring a new gene to cancer patients, via their own stem cells, with the ultimate goal of being able to use stronger chemotherapy treatment with less severe side effects, says eurekalert presss release.

Stem Cells Successfully Treat Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in Mice
December 12, 2007
European scientists today announced that it may be possible to treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy by tweaking stem cells from patients' muscles. In Duchenne muscular dystrophy, muscles weaken over time. Within 45 days of stem cell treatment, the tweaked stem cells made more dystrophin, which improved the mice's muscles and allowed the mice to run longer in a treadmill test.

Mechanism Behind Muscle Stem Cell Transformation Discovered
December 11, 2007
A research team from the Burnham Institute for Medical Research published in Molecular Cell magazine its findings on the mechanism that triggers the transformation of adult muscle stem cells into new tissue.

Autistic Boy will Travel to Costa Rica for Adult Stem Cell Treatment
Fox News
December 10, 2007
Costa Rica is the destination for a seven year old boy named Matthew from Central Florida. The boy and his family are traveling not for a vacation, but with the hope of curing the boys autism, which was diagnosed when he was 18 months old. While researching their son's condition, Matthew's parents learned of a non-controversial stem cell treatment being offered in Costa Rica. The stem cells used at the Central American clinic are harvested from umbilical cord blood, and not embryos.

Gene Therapy + Stem Cells = Great Therapeutic Potential
Foundation for Genomics and Population Health
December 10, 2007
It has been a good year for stem cells. Following the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine, and the production of stem cells from human skin, scientists have now provided a conclusive demonstration of their huge therapeutic potential.

Boy Waits for Stem Cell Match to Treat Adrenoleukodystrophy
The Daily News
December 9, 2007
At the last six-month checkup, it was confirmed Bretton had developed ALD. He's now on the list for a bone-marrow transplant, which is conducted using the stem cells from donor bone marrow or possibly from umbilical cord blood. With the transplant, every cell in Bretton's body will be renewed, hopefully staving off the deterioration of his nervous system.

Sacramento Man Treated for Spinal Injury Using Own Stem Cells
The Sacramento Bee
December 8, 2007
Dr. Pasquale Montesano, operating Thursday at Sutter Memorial Hospital, shaped a piece of bone that he filled with adult stem cells harvested from donor cadavers, then placed into the spine of Perry Anderson. The hope is that the surgery will help Anderson finally heal from earlier spinal surgery.

Rationalizing the Stem Cell Debate
The Cheboygan Daily Tribune
December 7, 2007
With all the positive results that have been achieved by using adult stem cells, why is there so much commotion promoting embryonic stem cell research, when in fact to date no human patient has ever been cured, or successfully treated using embryonic stem cells?

Mice with Sickle Cell Anemia Cured with New iPS Cells
December 6, 2007
Using a new type of stem cells made from ordinary skin cells, U.S. researchers said on Thursday they treated mice with sickle cell anemia, proving in principle that such cells could be used as a therapy. Hanna and colleagues working in Rudolf Jaenisch's lab at Whitehead Institute took skin cells from diseased mice and inserted four genes that reprogram the cells into becoming iPS cells.

Dopamine Cells Replaced by Stem Cells to Treat Parkinson's
Journal of Clinical Investigation
December 5, 2007
Parkinson disease is caused by the progressive degeneration of brain cells known as dopamine cells. Replacing these cells is considered a promising therapeutic strategy. Now, a new source for dopamine cells has been discovered.

Supporters Growing for iPS Cell Breakthrough
December 4, 2007
A new book on adult stem cell progress gains major support as world stem cell leader Ian Wilmut stuns the scientific world in turning from embryonic research to adult stem cells. Miracle Stem Cell Heart Repair documents how hearts of "no option" patients in the FDA trial are repaired in a one time procedure using their own stem cells.

Japanese Goverment Allocates Funds for More Adult Stem Cell Research
Associated Press
December 3, 2007
It is being reported that a Japanese government agency has decided to forge ahead with stem cell research, allocating funds to the scientists who figured out how to create stem cells from human skin cells.

Dementia Reversed with Stem Cells
Sunday Mail
December 2, 2007
Scientists have developed two ways to stimulate stem cells and regenerate the brain, boosting mental functions such as understanding and memory. Dementia is a major health burden, costing more than $1.4 billion per year - a figure that is expected to blow out due to a rapidly ageing population and longer life expectancies.

New Blood Forming Stem Cells Create New Immune System for Mice
Stanford University
December 1, 2007
Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have taken a small but significant step, in mouse studies, toward the goal of transplanting adult stem cells to create a new immune system for people with autoimmune or genetic blood diseases.

Stem Cells a Cure for Crohn's Disease?
University of Nottingham
November 30, 2007
Scientists are investigating whether stem cells could be used to 're-boot' the immune system and provide a cure for Crohn's Disease. University of Nottingham researchers are launching a major clinical trial to find out whether stem cells taken from a sufferer's own body could provide effective long-term remission for tens of thousands of people in the UK and many more worldwide.

Americans Travel Overseas for Stem Cell Treatment
Associated Press
November 29, 2007
It is being reported that many residents of the US are travelling abroad to have stem cell surgeries that are not federally approved to be conducted in their own country. Americans will spend thousands of dollars to travel to parts of the world such as Cost Rica and Portugal for these treatments.

Prevention of Age-Related Brain Loss with Stem Cells
Scoop Independent News
November 28, 2007
Australian Stem Cell Scientist On Track To Prevent Age-Related Loss Of Brain Function Stem cell scientists are developing a novel approach to slow or possibly prevent the cognitive decline that typically occurs with advancing age.

Stem Cells 2.0: Beyond the Hype, Engineers Look to Build Fast
Popular Mechanics
November 27, 2007
One week after the century's biggest quantum leap in molecular biology, scientists have already shifted from "Wow" to "What's Next?" For a field suddenly ridden of a complex debate, the next answers lie within three simple kinds of engineering.

Stem Cell Breakthrough Encourages Germany to Increase Funding
Deutsche Welle
November 26, 2007
Germany has pledged to invest more money in stem-cell research with adult cells after Japanese and US scientists recently announced a breakthrough. The country's research minister also wants to ease some restrictions.

Stem Cell Storage Popularity at All Time High in Asia
NST Online
November 25, 2007
Stem cell storage is a fairly new concept for Malaysians but more people are now subscribing to it even as research continues on its potential benefits. Five years after it was introduced here, some 25,000 Malaysians have signed up to have their stem cells stored. Neighboring countries, such as Thailand and Singapore, are also recording rapid growth in the number of people storing their stem cells.

Stem Cell Breakthrough Catalyst to New Medical Era
The Progress Index
November 24, 2007
Researchers in Wisconsin and Japan now have converted human skin cells into what, essentially, are embryonic stem cells, without using human embryos or women's eggs. As the experiments are repeated and the methods perfected, the ability to use skin cells for stem cell research not only will eliminate the ethical issues, but create a virtually limitless supply of research material.

Stem Cell Treatment for MS and Arthritis Enhanced by New Approach
The Daily Telegraph
November 23, 2007
Both multiple sclerosis and arthritis are caused when the immune system becomes faulty and attacks the body. Scientists have discovered that by injecting stem cells, the body's building blocks, taken from a healthy donor into the patient they can effectively transplant the donor's immune system and cure the condition.

Systematic Approach to Stem Cell Treatment for Brain Damage Being Developed
Augusta Chronicle
November 22, 2007
As Dr. Mina Maki puts two syringes inside a plastic-foam box filled with ice for Dr. Tadashi Masuda to carry out for transplant, they are starting out on a path that one day might be followed by doctors across the country caring for victims of stroke or babies suffering cerebral palsy.

Political Debate Over Embryonic Stem Cell Research May Soon End
Associated Press
November 21, 2007
A breakthrough in stem cell research that gives embryonic stem cell power to skin cells without the destruction of embryos could give President Bush and his anti-abortion allies a political I-told-you-so in a debate Democrats have long been planning to use in next year's elections.

Skin Cells Reprogrammed to Have Same Potential as Embryonic Stem Cells
Associated Press
November 20, 2007
Scientists have created the equivalent of embryonic stem cells from ordinary skin cells, a breakthrough that could someday produce new treatments for disease without the explosive moral questions of embyro cloning. It was a landmark achievement on all fronts, defusing one of the most divisive debates in modern medicine and religion. It was lauded by scientists, ethicists and religious groups.

Girl Suffering From Skin Genetic Skin Disorder May Benefit from Recent Stem Cell Research
BBC News
November 19, 2007
Fallyn, of Hempfield, has an incurable genetic disease called recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, or EB, that affects every aspect of her life. EB is characterized by chronic, painful blistering of the skin. The slightest pressure -- even the tag on a T-shirt rubbing against her neck -- can cause a wound that may take days or weeks to heal. With the help of an EB mouse model researchers were able to correct the disease in mice using bone marrow stem cells.

Scientist Famous for Cloning Dolly the Sheep Abandons Research in Support of Recent Adult Stem Cell Breakthroughs
BBC News
November 18, 2007
The scientist who led the team that controversially created Dolly the sheep is abandoning the cloning of human embryos in stem cell research. Professor Ian Wilmut, of Edinburgh University, believes a rival method developed in Japan holds the key to curing serious medical conditions. Professor Wilmut said his own research team held a meeting at which it was agreed the Japanese method had more potential than the use of embryonic cells.

Quadriplegic Will Travel to Costa Rica for Adult Stem Cell Treatment
PR Leap
November 17, 2007
Four years ago, Jordanne Menzies was driving back home to Grand Junction from Denver. At one o'clock in the morning, 15 minutes from home, she started to doze and fell asleep. The 18-year-old was left a quadriplegic from the accident. The Menzies family is seeking the community's help in raising money for Jordanne's journey to obtain stem cell therapy.

Revolutionary Stem Cell Discovery Made by Wichita, Kansas, Doctor
November 16, 2007
A Wichita doctor has found that adult stem cells can be harvested from a woman's menstrual fluid and developed into nine different types of human tissue. Dr. Meng of the Bio-Communications Research Institute made the discovery. His findings show the adult stem cells harvested from the fluid can be developed into tissues such as heart, lung, liver, bone, and others. The discovery is dramatic because it involves adult stem cells -- not embryonic stem cells, which have been the source of recent controversy.

Medistem Announces Discovery: Menstrual Blood Yields Novel Stem Cell Population
Market Wire
November 15, 2007
Medistem Laboratories, Inc. in collaboration with researchers from the University of Western Ontario, University of Alberta, and the Bio-Communications Research Institute, have published a paper describing a novel stem cell population derived from menstrual blood. The newly discovered cells produce 100,000 times the number of growth factors found in cord blood.

Stem Cells Discovered in Menstrual Blood
November 15, 2007
The "monthly curse" may be anything but: menstrual blood appears to be a rich and easily accessible source of adult stem cells, claim a Wichita, Kansas research team. Recent research has indicated that the uterine lining, or endometrium, is a rich source of adult stem cells. Now the Kansas researchers say they have found these endometrial stem cells in menstrual blood.

Menstrual Blood Stem Cells Studied in Novel Discovery
CTV Globe Media
November 15, 2007
Every month, a fertile woman sheds her uterine lining and then re-grows a new one during the endometrial phase of the menstrual cycle. Scientists have long speculated that something like stem cells must be helping the cells of the uterine lining, or endometrium, re-grow so quickly.

Umbilical Cord Transplantation Effective Treatment
November 14, 2007
Researchers from the University of Minnesota have reported that adults with hematological diseases have a three year survival of almost 50% following umbilical cord blood transplantation after a reduced intensity treatment regimen.

Reconstructing the Spinal Cord with Stem Cells
Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital
November 13, 2007
This seminal study, published in this week's Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, identifies key elements in the body's reaction to spinal injury, critical information that could lead to novel therapies for repairing previously irreversible nerve damage in the injured spinal cord.

Microcapsules Developed to Direct Neural Stem Cells
The Tartan
November 12, 2007
Biomedical engineering professor Stefan Zappe and his research team are developing a neural stem cell therapy to treat a variety of genetic disorders of the central nervous system, including Hunter syndrome. To overcome the blood-brain barrier, Zappe and his team has developed cell-instructive microcapsules that contain genetically modified neural stem cells. These microcapsules control proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells.

Stem Cells Used for Mental and Neurological Disease Therapy
November 11, 2007
Cell therapy showed interesting results, when applied to neurological and mental diseases. Mesenchymal stem cells, transplanted to mentally challenged patients, proved that idiocy and mental deficiency are not irreversible.

New Bones Formed by Stem Cells
AHN Media Corp
November 10, 2007
A team of scientists from the publicly-listed Malaysian stem cell firm StemLife Bhd and the National University of Singapore (NUS) has made a breakthrough in human bone treatment. They developed a technique of making new bones using stem cells and natural bone substances.

Brain Stem Cells Can Now be Tracked
U.S. News and World Report
November 9, 2007
The identification of a new marker is making it possible to track brain stem cells for the first time, U.S. researchers report. The achievement is already opening doors to new research into depression, early childhood development and multiple sclerosis, the team's senior author said.

Heart Repair Boosted by Stem Cell Injections
USA Today
November 8, 2007
Researchers from Finland and California showed it is possible to inject heart attack patients with muscle stem cells and boost their hearts' pumping power. The studies, though preliminary, are the latest of several to open a window into the future of heart attack care.

More Heart Advances Made with Adult Stem Cell Research
The Washington Post
November 7, 2007
Scientists are edging toward a better understanding of how stem cells might one day restore function to damaged hearts. Several studies presented Wednesday at the American Heart Association annual meeting, in Orlando, Fla., addressed different aspects of this promise. One study found that patients' own stem cells, when injected into the heart after treatment for a heart attack, improved the heart's ability to pump effectively.

California Makes Advances with Ethical Stem Cell Legislature
Catholic News Agency
November 6, 2007
Two bills regarding the use of umbilical cord blood for medical treatment and research purposes were recently signed into law in California. The companion bills, supported by the California Catholic Conference, would fund the research and collection of blood from umbilical cords that are often discarded after birth.

Mini Cell Transplants for Cancer Treatment
The Evening Standard
November 5, 2007
Doctors have pioneered a radical new cancer treatment using mini cell transplants. The ground-breaking treatment uses stem cells injected into patients from donor blood. Experts are hailing the procedure as a safer and faster alternative to conventional bone marrow operations.

Genetic Skin Disorder Treated with Adult Stem Cells
November 4, 2007
Doctors at the University of Minnesota Children's Hospital, Fairview have performed the first ever bone marrow and cord blood transplant on an 18-month-old boy to treat recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB). The doctors have already used bone marrow to successfully cure the disease in mice, along with collaborators from Columbia University.

Cure for Diabetes? Stem Cell Transplant Success Key
Herald and Weekly Times
November 3, 2007
Melbourne scientists claim they are just days from conducting a pioneering therapy that will effectively cure Type-1 diabetes. They are set to transplant insulin-producing cells from healthy donor tissue into a diabetic - removing the need for daily insulin injections.

Brain Injury? Stem Cell Improve Memory
University of California - Irvine
November 2, 2007
New UC Irvine research is among the first to demonstrate that neural stem cells may help to restore memory after brain damage. In the study, mice with brain injuries experienced enhanced memory -- similar to the level found in healthy mice -- up to three months after receiving a stem cell treatment.

Only 50% Effectiveness Required in Stem Cell and Gene Therapy to Yield Healthy Heart
University of Missouri - Columbia
November 1, 2007
According to a new study, recently published in Circulation Research, a journal of the American Heart Association, University of Missouri-Columbia researchers have demonstrated that a muscular dystrophy patient should be able to maintain a normal lifestyle if only 50 percent of the cells of the heart are healthy.

Adult Stem Cell Research Should Command Our Focus
Detroit Free Press
October 31, 2007
Adult stem cell research, however, does not necessitate killing human embryos, as adult stem cells can be retrieved from umbilical cord blood, bone marrow, the amniotic fluid that surrounds unborn babies, and numerous other locations throughout the human body. While embryonic stem cell research has never produced a single treatment or a cure, research using adult stem cells is now treating more than 70 medical conditions in human patients.

Man Conquers Cancer with His Own Stem Cells
Daily Globe
October 28, 2007
A year after Eve's husband Jim Cottier was diagnosed with an inoperable, cancerous brain tumor, he said, "it is gone." After aggressive chemotherapy, stem-cell transplant, recurrence of the tumor, then radiation, an MRI on Oct. 16 showed no tumor. Even the tumor's root in the top of Jim's brain stem in the middle of his head is gone.

Indian Eye Institute Cures Blindness with Adult Stem Cells
October 25, 2007
Eye surgeon Virendar Sangwan has perfected a procedure so cutting-edge that most who have tried it have failed. In an operating theater in the central Indian city of Hyderabad, he surgically implants corneas grown in a petri dish from stem cells by his colleague Geeta Vemuganti in patients with damaged eyes. Together they perform about 80 corneal regeneration procedures a year, making the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute where they work one of the most prolific facilities in the world using stem cells to regenerate tissue of any kind.

Rare Skin Disorder and Damaged Eyes Treated with Related Stem Cell Methods
European Science Foundation
October 23, 2007
Doctors and scientists in Italy have shown how stem cells can be used to treat damaged eyes and, in combination with gene therapy, a rare and debilitating skin disease. In cases where the limbus is destroyed there has been little hope to restore the patient's sight. Professor De Luca's team decided to take a leaf from the way that burns are treated and grow a new cornea from limbar stem cells taken from the healthy eye.

Life-Threatening Blood Disorders Effectively Treated with Autologous Cord Blood Stem Cells
Business Wire
October 22, 2007
Two separate data abstracts displayed today at the annual scientific meeting of the AABB - an international association of medical professionals and institutions focused on transfusion, transplantation and cellular therapy - highlight the increasing therapeutic use of autologous (one's own) cord blood stem cells for transplant and regenerative medicine, including treatments for blood and immune disorders, juvenile diabetes and neurological repair.

Adult Stem Cells Cure Missouri Heart Patient
October 22, 2007
William Bernhardt of DeSoto, Missouri is declaring that adult stem cell therapy has changed his life and "helped me all the way around", one year after receiving his stem cell treatment in Bangkok, Thailand. William was treated using his own stem cells derived from an easy, painless 250cc blood donation.

Difficult to Heal Fractures Get Enormous Healing Boost from Stem Cells
The China Post
October 20, 2007
Stem cell treatment repaired fractures in 91 percent of patients with previously hard-to-heal breaks in the long bones of their thighs, shins or arms. A study tested stem cells by inserting them during surgery into the fracture sites of 33 patients with severe bone breaks that had previously failed to join from standard treatments.

Stem Cell Research and Treatment Boosted by Umbilical Cord Donation
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
October 19, 2007
For several years, families have been able to privately store their baby's umbilical cord in case the baby, a sibling or other family member developed a disease that could be treated with stem cells. Now, many doctors and medical experts are encouraging families to consider donating their baby's cord blood to public banks. The new program at DeKalb Medical gives families in metro Atlanta an option for public donation.

Pulmonary Hypertension Stem Cell Cure
Ivanhoe Broadcast News
October 19, 2007
An innovative approach to treating pulmonary hypertension is making waves in the medical world. Doctors are combining gene and cell therapy to treat the condition. It's the first time that combined gene and cell therapy has ever been used to treat any heart or blood vessel disease.

3 Day Adult Stem Cell Conference Focuses on Fat Derived Stem Cells
The Indianapolis Star
October 18, 2007
Fat -- specifically too much of it in a person's body -- can contribute to a long and depressing list of health problems, including diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. But about 150 medical researchers gathering in Indianapolis this week see potentially great healing power stored within that flab.

After Stem Cell Therapy, Man's Heart Function Improves Four Fold
October 16, 2007
Donald Cecil reports that his heart function has quintupled after receiving adult stem cell therapy in Thailand. Donald says his ejection fraction (a measure of the heart's pumping ability) has increased from 10% to 50% almost one year after his stem cell procedure.

Smooth Muscle or Skeletal Muscle? Stem Cells Use Myocardin to Decide
University of Rochester Medical Center
October 12, 2007
Researchers have discovered a key protein that controls how stem cells "choose" to become either skeletal muscle cells that move limbs, or smooth muscle cells that support blood vessels, according to a study published recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Myasthenia Gravis Treated with Bone Marrow Stem Cells
University of California - San Diego Medical Center
October 11, 2007
Doctors at The Bone Marrow Transplant Program at University of California, San Diego Medical Center have performed an extremely rare bone marrow transplant that can have a great impact on sufferers of Myasthenia Gravis. This is the only hospital in the western part of the US that has attempted this operation.

Autologous Stem Cell Transplants Cure Indian Patients
October 10, 2007
For cancer patients not responding to conventional treatments like surgery, radioactivity and chemotherapy, Apollo Hospitals Ahmedabad has introduced the option of autologous stem cell transplant. The treatment, which is not recommended for older patients and those with too many health complications, is supposed to be the best treatment for young cancer patients.

Why is Life Saving Cord Blood Being Thrown Away?
Daily Mail
October 9, 2007
Amy Winston-Hart spent many months preparing for the worst as her three-year-old daughter Eva fought a particularly vicious form of leukaemia. The disease was apparently curable only with an infusion of healthy blood stem cells from a bone marrow donor. However, a trawl of more than 11 million people registered on the world's databases of bone marrow donors produced not one single match.

Newborn Gives Older Brother a Chance for a New Life
October 7, 2007
A newborn baby will give the gift of life to his big brother following groundbreaking stem cell surgery on the other side of the world. Little Rhys could prove to be a real life-saver for his 20-year-old brother Michael who is to use the baby's stem cells in a bid to cure him of motor neurone disease.

University of Florida to Test CD34+ Stem Cells for Heart Disease
Daily India
October 4, 2007
University of Florida researchers are planning to test a therapy in which stem cells are injected into the hearts of people with severe coronary artery disease and daily chest pain, to see if it could help restore blood flow by prompting new blood vessels to grow.

Stem Cell Support for Parkinson's
Peoria Journal Star
October 2, 2007
The umbilical cord - often casually discarded after birth - may play a pivotal role in curing devastating diseases such as Parkinson's. Craig Cady, biology professor at Bradley University, researches stem cells found in umbilical cords and adult bone marrow in hopes of finding a cure.

Massive Internal Stem Cell Education Program Launched
Michigan Catholic Conference
October 1, 2007
In an effort to communicate the Catholic Church's teaching on human life as it relates to adult and embryonic stem cell research, the Michigan Catholic Conference today announced the state's diocesan bishops have launched a monumental internal statewide education program that includes over 500,000 Catholic homes and nearly 800 parishes.

Novel Mutiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Study Begins
September 26, 2007
A new pilot clinical trial to test bone marrow stem cell therapy with a small group of patients with multiple sclerosis has started at Frenchay Hospital. The aim of the trial, conducted by the University of Bristol and North Bristol NHS Trust, is to find out what effects, good or bad, it has on patients with MS, and their disability.

Bone Marrow Stem Cell Slow Down Liver Damage
BBC News
September 26, 2007
Scientists have developed a new way to treat liver failure by dampening the immune response using stem cells taken from the bone marrow. Potentially a patient could be kept alive longer until a donor organ is found - and the liver would be given the maximum chance to repair itself.

Stem Cell's at the Heart of Bioartificial Liver
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News
September 26, 2007
HepaLife Technologies, Inc announced significant early results of new in-vitro studies involving the Company's patented PICM-19 liver stem cells, which were placed inside its proprietary artificial liver device and were able to favorably produce urea and successfully remove ammonia, a highly toxic by-product which causes brain damage, coma, and even death.

Stem Cell Breakthrough for Huntington's Disease
University of Rochester Medical Center
September 26, 2007
Paying close attention to how a canary learns a new song has helped scientists open a new avenue of research against Huntington's disease -- a fatal disorder for which there is currently no cure or even a treatment to slow the disease.

Stem Cell Therapy for Skin
Decision News Media SAS
September 25, 2007
LVMH Recherche's 7th Symposium took place last week in Paris, entitled Stem Cells and the Skin, concentrating on the latest discoveries in regenerative medicine and skin science.

Umbilical Cord Blood is a Lifesaver
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
September 24, 2007
Two years ago, when my wife was pregnant with our second child, a friend informed us about the option of donating umbilical cord blood to a public cord blood bank. We were thrilled to celebrate our daughter's birth by making this potentially life-saving donation.

Woman Cancer Free - Adult Stem Cell at Work
Bluefield Daily Telegraph
September 21, 2007
After fighting cancer for 11 years, enduring 89 radiation treatments and surviving repeated rounds of chemotherapy, the Mercer County mother and grandmother decided it was time to try a controversial, cutting-edge treatment that could give her a chance at living cancer-free.

Stem Cells from Testicles - Another Non-Controversial Breakthrough
ABC News
September 20, 2007
United States researchers have come up with a novel use for men's testicles, which they say are a rich source of stem cells and so could be transformed into a wide range of tissue types to help fight disease. The scientists say they have managed to isolate stem cells from the testes of male mice, extract them and reprogram them into blood vessels, heart cells and tissue.

Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Disease can be Cured with Cord Blood Stem Cells
Business Wire
September 20, 2007
At the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America and National Institutes of Health (NIH) 35th Annual Convention, Dr. Mark Walters, Director of the Blood and Marrow transplant program at Children's Hospital and Research Center Oakland presented research data demonstrating that cord blood from a relative can be an effective source of stem cells for transplantation in children affected with Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia and may have advantages over bone marrow transplantation.

Severe Heart Attack Treated with Stem Cells
Deutsche Welle
September 18, 2007
Cardiologists at Düsseldorf University Hospital said they have been the first in the world to use stem cell therapy to save a patient who suffered from a severe heart attack. Düsseldorf's Rheinische Post newspaper reported the success story of stem cell therapy conducted on a 64-year-old patient.

Stem Cell Clinic to Open in Bermuda
Bermuda Sun
September 14, 2007
Premier Dr. Ewart Brown and his wife Wanda will be able to open a stem cell clinic without having to obtain permission from a regulatory body because our laws have failed to keep pace with medical advances, the Bermuda Sun has learned. That's a major departure from the way it works in the U.K., the U.S. and Canada.

Stem Cell Therapy Market to Explode by 2017
PR Newswire
September 13, 2007
Millennium Research Group (MRG) has conducted a detailed analysis of the stem cell therapy market in its US Markets for Stem Cell Therapies 2007 report. The analysis reveals that although the market for stem cell therapies is in its infancy, it will grow rapidly as products are approved in the US. Today, only two products are on the market, but by 2017, almost 90 are expected to be available.

Stem Cells to Heart Valves 5 Years Away
Harvard University
September 11, 2007
The scientists, at Harvard-affiliated Boston Children's Hospital, grew the valves from a type of stem cell that normally gives rise to the inner lining of blood vessels. They used a biodegradable scaffold to give the cells shape and a mix of proteins and growth factors to stimulate the cells to grow into the proper tissue type.

Tissue Regeneration Powers Identified in Tendon Stem Cells
University of Southern California
September 10, 2007
Athletes know that damage to a tendon can signal an end to their professional careers. But a consortium of scientists, led in part by University of Southern California (USC) School of Dentistry researcher Songtao Shi, has identified unique cells within the adult tendon that have stem-cell characteristics--including the ability to proliferate and self-renew.

Woman Raises Funds for Stem Cell Treatment
Gannett News Sevice
September 9, 2007
Henderson has managed to avoid the heart transplant by taking CoQ10, a supplement that has helped her heart beat faster, but she wants to do something more. She wants to have adult stem cell therapy in Thailand, in which her own immature stem cells would be used to try to repair the damaged portion of her heart. The only thing holding her back is the $50,000 cost.

T-reg Cells Derived from Cord Blood Used in First Clinical Trial for Leukemia
University of Minnesota
September 7, 2007
University of Minnesota researchers have initiated a ground breaking clinical trial to determine the optimal dose and safety of T regulatory cells (T-regs) to decrease the risk of immune reactions common in patients undergoing blood and marrow transplantation. Ultimately, the researchers hope the experimental cellular therapy will improve overall survival rates for blood cancer patients as well as offer a potential new paradigm for treating autoimmune diseases.

Adult Stem Cells Continue to Deliver Breakthroughs
September 5, 2007
Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center report the discovery of a new type of adult stem cell in blood vessels that can be harvested from a patient. These cells then could be used to treat the patient's muscle injury or disease. And since the cells come from the same patient, there is no risk of rejection.

Muscle Repair Potential Discovered in Human Source of Adult Stem Cells
Science Daily
September 5, 2007
For the first time, scientists at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC have discovered a unique population of adult stem cells derived from human muscle that could be used to treat muscle injuries and diseases such as heart attack and muscular dystrophy. "Finding this population of stem cells in a human source represents a major breakthrough for us because it brings us much closer to a clinical application of this therapy," said Dr. Huard, the Henry J. Mankin Professor and vice chair for Research in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

Umbilical Cord Blood Applied to Cancer Treatments as Potential Cure
Catholic Explorer
September 4, 2007
Dr. Patrick Stiff, director of Loyola's Cardinal Bernardin Cancer Center, told the Catholic Explorer, "Cord blood has opened the door to curing patients who otherwise would die. ... We actually have transplanted patients in whom the only other option was a hospice program." Cord-blood stem cells are non-embryonic, and the Catholic Church supports their use. They are taken from an umbilical cord after birth and used to treat cancers originating in bone marrow or in the lymphatic system when a traditional bone-marrow transplant is not an option.

Why Cord Blood Donation Should be the Standard
American Chronicle
September 3, 2007
'Donate cord blood' is what today's medical practitioners and doctors are advising yet-to-be parents across the world. Besides giving birth to a new life, pregnancy gives new hope for the survival of existing lives that are combating malignant ailments. As researchers are coming up with newer advancements in treatment with blood forming cells, they strongly advocate the need for cord blood donation.

Heart Valves and Muscle Tissue Grown from Own Stem Cells Soon to be Reality
September 2, 2007
Surgeons will soon be able to literally mend a broken heart using live tissue grown from a patient's very own stem cells, top cardiologists said Monday. The whole procedure -- harvesting cells from bone marrow, growing tissue, and surgically implanting the heart muscle or valve -- could take as little as six weeks and could become routine within three-to-five years, they reported.

Adult Stem Cells Provides Potent Anti-Aging Extract
PR Web
August 29, 2007
Imagine a "chemical messenger" that can enter skin cells and send a signal, teaching it to be young again. In time, the skin will begin to feel naturally rejuvenated, tighter and younger without surgery. Superficial blemishes and pigmentation will reverse itself, leaving the complexion flawless and young. Now The Sloane Clinic is offering treatments using AAPE, a stem cell protein extract that is able to deliver just that.

Cord Blood Donation Program Success - 6 Months Bring 500+ Donations
The Indianapolis Star
August 28, 2007
A program to take cord blood from newborns, started nearly seven months ago by an Indianapolis business and hospital, has surpassed 500 volunteer donations. The cord blood program gives parents at St. Francis Hospital-Indianapolis the option of donating blood from the umbilical cord after the birth of their babies instead of discarding the cord.

Adult Stem Cells Repair the Heart
The Christian Post
August 22, 2007
In October, surgeons removed 500ccs of bone marrow from Carron's left hip. The cells were cultivated, and four hours later, 30 million stem cells were injected into the right side of Carron's heart.vvFour months later, she had another CT scan to see how her heart was functioning. The news could not have been more-well, heart-stopping.

Adult Stem Cell Research Continues Encouraging Path
The Review / Osprey News Network
August 20, 2007
Better understanding of stem cells could lead to a better understanding of birth defects and diseases like cancer. But while medical researchers, and indeed some patients, are excited at the prospects, the catch is the ethical question: Is it morally proper to initiate reproduction, only to harvest the days-old embryo for its stem cells? Or are adult stem cells truly the better and more proven option?

Woman Goes from Stem Cell Patient to Stem Cell Educator
Press and Sun-Bulletin
August 20, 2007
Carol Franz of Owego thought she'd be slowing down in retirement, spending more time with her kids and grandkids and dunking her toes regularly in her backyard swimming pool. then she found out she had cancer. Now, it's her mission to educate her fellow Americans about adult stem cell therapies and research. Since such therapies have twice snatched her back from cancer's jaws of death, she knows what she's talking about.

Respected Japanese Researcher Brings More Stem Cell Science to California
Mercury News
August 17, 2007
A Japanese pioneer in stem-cell research is opening a lab in San Francisco, a significant milestone in the state's bid to become an international draw for the world's leading regenerative medicine experts. Last year, Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University was the first to identify genes in mouse skin cells that allow scientists to "reprogram" the cells to an embryonic state from which they could create some tissue types.

Wnt Proteins Act on Adult Stem Cells to Boost Regeneration
Voice of America News
August 16, 2007
As we age, our muscles, bones and organs heal more slowly than they did when we were young. And they frequently don't recover to be as strong or resilient as they were before the injury. Researchers say the reason can be found at the cellular level.

Adult Stem Cell Double Dose for Hawaiian Doctor
Trans World News
August 15, 2007
Doctor George Smith, MD, from Hawaii, derived such benefit from his first adult stem cell treatment in Bangkok eighteen months ago that he returned recently for another procedure. The first trip gave Dr. Smith, age 80, a stronger heart muscle. The second he believes will help increase blood flow throughout his body.

New Vaccine for Multiple Sclerosis Developed - Can Work with Existing Adult Stem Cell Treatment
Life News
August 14, 2007
Scientists in Canada have developed a vaccine that, in early testing, appears to help patients with multiple sclerosis without relying on controversial embryonic stem cells. Pro-life advocates oppose the use of the cells because days-old unborn children must be destroyed to get them.

Man with Failing Heart Get's Stem Cell Therapy
Green Valley News
August 8, 2007
Buck took a gamble after hearing that stem-cell therapy might revive his failing heart and allow him to return to the life he loves in Green Valley, where he lives in The Springs with his two dogs. He heard about the procedure from a friend, who knew of a patient from Green Valley who had successfully undergone it. The idea gave him hope and inspiration and, in consultation with his doctors, he immediately began extensive research on the Internet.

Scientists Gain More New Understanding of Adult Stem Cell Regulation
Innovations Report
August 8, 2007
Forsyth Institute scientists have discovered an important mechanism for controlling the behavior of adult stem cells. Research with the flatworm, planaria, found a novel role for the proteins involved in cell-to-cell communication. This work has the potential to help scientists understand the nature of the messages that control stem cell regulation.

New Treatment for Glaucoma Developed
Science Daily
August 7, 2007
U.S. scientists have developed a technique to treat glaucoma -- the second leading cause of blindness in the developed world. The Iowa State University researchers said the procedure has been used successfully in rats and now will be used on canine patients. If successful, it will then begin human trials.

Best Choice for Heart Failure Patients - Adult Stem Cell Transplants
PR Web
August 7, 2007
Heart disease, according to the figures from The National Center for Health Statistics 2005 data, affects some 25.6 million Americans. It was then, and remains, the biggest killer of U.S. citizens, with over 650,000 dying every year. Until now as patients deteriorated and medication or surgery on their heart failed to help they were faced with only two options, a heart transplant or death.

Backing Ethical Stem Cell Research Makes More Sense
The Kansas City Star
August 6, 2007
Many journalists, pundits and politicians falsely claim that conservatives oppose "stem-cell research," as though we, or Bush, supported no stem-cell research whatsoever. At best, that's lazy journalism. At worst, it's intentionally misleading the public. We get sick, paralyzed and injured, too. We also want cures for our loved ones, but without killing embryos.

Self-Repairing Hearts - Scientists Achieve World First
The Sunday Telegraph
August 5, 2007
AUSTRALIA'S top heart specialists believe they have found a treatment to stop heart disease in its tracks, potentially saving millions of lives worldwide. Experts from the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute and Sydney's St Vincent's Hospital will today unveil the groundbreaking discovery, which involves using adult stem cells from patients to repair their own hearts.

Adult Stem Cell Research Should Be First Priority According to Experts
Baptist Press
August 1, 2007
Patients, researchers and a bioethics specialist joined in a news conference in Washington to testify to the effectiveness of adult and other non-embryonic stem cell research. Their promotion of such experiments came the same day two members of the House of Representatives announced the introduction of legislation to give priority to adult stem cell research.

New York Woman Feels Good Enough to Dance After Stem Cell Treatment
July 31, 2007
An infection from a root canal treatment nearly destroyed the life of Ann Bonarelli, a New York native. From a healthy, active life she got to the point where she could not breathe as the infection settled in her heart. Her valve stopped working and her heart began to fail. Today, four months following adult stem cell treatment, Ann feels as well as she did before she got ill.

Novel Testicular Cancer Treatment Developed at Indiana University
Indiana Daily Student
July 30, 2007
Researchers at IU's School of Medicine may have discovered a new treatment for testicular cancer in patients who do not respond to initial chemotherapy, according to a report in the New England Journal of Medicine. The report, authored by several researchers, including renowned IU oncologist Dr. Lawrence Einhorn, stated that 116 of the 184 patients involved in the study went into complete remission after being treated.

Woman's Heart Rebuilt with Stem Cells
July 30, 2007
Alabama event planner Carron was hanging Japanese lanterns for a wedding last summer when she suffered her fourth heart attack. A week later, the doctor told the 58-year-old mother of two she was a walking time bomb: The right side of her heart was functioning at less than 50 percent. She doesn't even need her $85,000 defibrillator anymore after stem cell treatment.

How to Mend a Broken Heart: Stem Cells
New Scientist
July 29, 2007
Stem cells may help repair damaged tissue after a heart attack, according to a team of American researchers. The study, which was done on mice, shows that stem cells play a limited, but significant role in repairing damaged hearts. However, it remains unclear whether it is heart cells that are doing the repair, or cells from elsewhere in the body.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy Treated Using New Adult Stem Cell Treatment
July 25, 2007
Dilated cardiomyopathy, a condition previously thought to be incurable, may now be vulnerable. A bangkok based company cites the case of Michigan native Jason Ludwick as an example. Jason was suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy, a condition responsible for 10,000 deaths each year in the United States. Jason went all the way to Thailand to receive adult stem cell treatment and is now living a normal life.

Corneal Disorders Treated Using Novel Adult Stem Cell Method
Basque Research
July 22, 2007
A new method of adult stem cell growth, designed in the Area of Cellular Therapy of the University Clinic (University of Navarra), has demonstrated its efficacy for its capacity to grow cornea stem cells. So Ana Fernández Hortelano, ophthalmologist at the Hospital demonstrated applying the growth technique in treating diseases of the cornea, using stem cells, in 70 test animals.

Japanese Adult Stem Cell Research May End Embryo Debate
July 20, 2007
Since its publication in the journals Nature and Stem Cell on June 7, a report that Japanese researchers have produced embryo-like stem cells from the somatic cells of mice, have made headlines around the world and prompted speculation that the scientific community's brief obsession with cloning experiments for stem cell research is about to end.

$2.4 Million Dollars Awarded for MS Research Using Bone Marrow Stem Cells
CBC News
July 18, 2007
Two Ottawa researchers have been awarded a $2.4-million grant for their work in fighting multiple sclerosis, a chronic and often disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord.The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada recently awarded the money to a team led by Dr. Harry Atkins and Dr. Mark Freedman, who will continue a closely watched clinical trial involving an experimental bone marrow stem cell transplant therapy.

Stem Cells from Expected Baby Brother will Treat Sibling with Motor Neuron Disease
BBC News
July 18, 2007
A Monmouthshire couple plan to use the umbilical cord of the baby they are expecting for stem cell treatment for the unborn child's 20-year-old brother. Michael is losing the mobility in his limbs, especially in his hands and suffers from extreme fatigue. The Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) say most sufferers die within two to five years of diagnosis - with half dying within 14 months.

San Francisco Quarterback Legend Treats Stroke Symptoms with Stem Cells
The San Jose Mercury News
July 17, 2007
Brodie has continued to make strides in his recovery from a near-fatal stroke suffered seven years ago. His speech and ability to move his right leg have improved markedly in recent months after two stem-cell treatments in Russia. He plans to have another stem-cell treatment soon. He's hoping to add to the limited mobility in the right arm that led the 49ers to three consecutive division titles in the 1970s.

Cord Blood Stem Cells Pave Road to Recovery for Leukemia Patient
The Seattle Times
July 11, 2007
Colosimo was one of nearly 13,000 people a year in the U.S. who can't find a biologically matched bone-marrow donor. Siblings, other family members and 9 million people on donor registries worldwide can't help. Then Colosimo learned that blood left over from the umbilical cords of two babies may have compatible stem cells that could help cure him. The stem cells -- which are more commonly taken from bone marrow -- can produce healthy blood cells to replace the cancerous ones of leukemia.

Blood Vessels Created Using Adult Bone Marrow Stem Cells
United Press International
July 8, 2007
Doctors have succeeded in growing new blood vessels from a person's own bone marrow cells, but researchers said Friday they are still some years away from being able to use these test-tube grown vessels to replace diseased arteries.

The Gift of Life, Umbilical Cord Blood
The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal
July 6, 2007
As July is National Cord Blood Awareness Month, you will hear and read much about the pros and cons of umbilical cord blood banking. Recent initiatives by several national organizations such as the National Marrow Donor Program and the American Association of Pediatrics have begun educating parents about cord blood. Soon all new parents having a child will have the choice to - discard, donate, or save their umbilical cord blood.

Allogeneic Stem Cells Effective in AML Treatment for Younger Patients
Cancer Consultants
July 6, 2007
According to an article recently published in the journal Blood, patients with AML and at a high risk of developing cancer progression following standard therapy may benefit from an unrelated allogeneic stem cell transplant. Patients with AML who are at a high risk of developing a cancer recurrence and do not have a related donor for an allogeneic stem cell transplant may wish to speak with their physician regarding their individual risks and benefits of an unrelated stem cell transplant.

Personalized Therapy for Cancer, Self-Targeting Stem Cell from Fat
American Association for Cancer Research
July 5, 2007
Researchers in Slovakia have been able to derive mesenchymal stem cells from human adipose, or fat, tissue and engineer them into "suicide genes" that seek out and destroy tumors like tiny homing missiles. This gene therapy approach is a novel way to attack small tumor metastases that evade current detection techniques and treatments, the researchers conclude in the July 1 issue of Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Basics of Collecting Cord Blood
American Chronicle
July 5, 2007
Inadequate knowledge about cord blood collection, processing and cord blood storage is pushing many new parents away from donating their babies' cord blood cells. Hence, comprehensive information on steps of collection, processing and storage of cord blood cells is required to educate them and help them release their fear of unknown risks, if any, involved in the methods.

Stem Cells Put the Pressure on Urinary Incontinence
Ivanhoe Broadcast News
July 4, 2007
Continence is a physical state that is maintained whenever urethral pressure exceeds bladder pressure inside the body. Now, stem cell technology may offer a new solution for patients suffering from stress incontinence. The transplant itself takes only five minutes, and 60 percent of patients experience improvement within the first year. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Calgary are still studying the procedure, which may one day help men who become incontinent after prostate surgery.

Amyloidosis Patients Treated Successfully with Stem Cells
Boston University
July 3, 2007
Researchers from the Stem Cell Transplant Program and the Amyloid Treatment and Research Program at Boston University Medical Center (BUMC) have found that tandem cycles of high-dose chemotherapy and blood stem cell transplantation can help treat patients with immunoglobulin-light chain (AL) Amyloidosis who did not respond to initial treatment with this method.

Pope Supports Adult Stem Cell Research
Bloomberg News
June 27, 2007
Pope Benedict XVI reiterated the Roman Catholic Church's support for stem-cell research, on condition the work doesn't involve human embryos. The pontiff held his traditional weekly general audience at the Vatican today and directed his comments at delegates taking part in a conference at Rome's La Sapienza University on research into the treatment of heart disease with so-called adult stem cells, which exist in tiny numbers in developed organs.

The Umbilical Cord Blood Advantage
The American Chronicle
June 26, 2007
Records have shown that a number of ailments have begun reversing their effects when cord blood cells are transplanted to patients. Researchers have shown that cord blood stem cells offer diverse treatment strategies for treating over 70 diseases. But, that's not all; researches are still being carried out in other diseases where re-growth of cells is mandatory for the patients' recovery and bone marrow transplants are the mode of treatment.

Adult Stem Cells Save Lives
The New Zealand Herald
June 25, 2007
Their main use is in regenerative medicine. Stem cells can assist tissues, muscles and even organs to recover from diseases; and help non-healthy cells to recover or even supply desperately needed cells. Stem cells can come from various parts of the body, including bone marrow, hair follicles, umbilical cord blood, placentas and amniotic fluid.

Stem Cells Tested in UK Heart Patients
The Guardian
June 22, 2007
British scientists are to try out a new way to repair damage caused by heart attacks. By injecting patients' damaged hearts with stem cells from their own bone marrow scientists hope to regenerate tissue. Heart disease is the UK's biggest killer - around 230,000 people suffer a heart attack each year. Almost a third of them die.

Treatment of Heart Disease Revolutionized by Stem Cells
The Hindu
June 22, 2007
The concept of "growing" heart muscle and vascular tissue and manipulating the myocardial cellular environment by using stem cell therapy has revolutionised the treatment of heart diseases, a leading cardiologist said today. Dr. Naresh Kumar said adult stem cell therapy was safe, feasible, accessible and cost effective.

Something Fishy About Stem Cell Treatment?
June 21, 2007
The discovery that zebrafish produce natural chemicals that enhance production of blood-forming stem cells may translate rapidly into new treatments to increase the success of bone marrow or cord blood transplants in humans. In their experiments, the researchers were searching for compounds that would increase the production of blood-forming, or hematopoietic, stem cells (HSCs).

Knee Pain Treated Using Stem Cells in North Carolina
Carolina Newswire
June 20, 2007
A clinical trial involving the use of stem cells to repair a torn meniscus (cartilage in the knee) is now being tested at Triangle Orthopaedic Associates, the Triangle's premier orthopaedic practice. Triangle Orthopaedics is currently evaluating Chondrogen, a stem cell solution developed by Baltimore-based Osiris Therapeutics, Inc. for treating this common knee injury.

Stem Cell Treatment Leads to Improvement in New Jersey Man's Diabetes
June 19, 2007
Retired Fire Captain, Calvin of Union City, New Jersey is reporting decreased insulin doses and lower blood glucose levels within one month after his adult stem cell treatment for diabetes (type 2) , diabetes induced erectile dysfunction and peripheral artery disease in Cologne, Germany.

Hunger for Political Power Sends Stem Cell Science Spinning
Washington Post Writers Group
June 15, 2007
The arguments over evolution and global warming alone are enough to make anyone believe that we have red and blue science as well as red and blue states. But nothing has been quite as polarizing over the past six years as the controversy over embryonic and adult stem cells. Stem cells have been a defining issue even among politicians who can't define them.

Paraplegics Return to Normal Life After Adult Stem Cell Treatment
June 15, 2007
People who suffer from complete paralysis of the lower half of the body could get a second lease of life, thanks to a path breaking stem cell treatment being offered by a hospital in India. Autologous (self generated) bone marrow fluids containing stem cells can achieve what was deemed "impossible" in medical history by technologically advanced countries like the US.

Cancer Affected Children Benefit from Stem Cells
June 12, 2007
Treatment of cancer affected children is now less complicated due to stem cell transplant therapy, according to Singapore-based paediatric haematologist-Oncologist consultant Dr. Anselm Chi-wai Lee. Dr. Anselm said "one in every 500 children will develop cancer before their 18th birthday." However, with effective treatment, 70 per cent of children diagnosed with cancer can be cured, he added.

New Study Finds Loss of Stem Cells Contributes to Premature Aging
Medical News Today
June 9, 2007
Researchers at the Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute of the University of Pennsylvania have found that deleting a gene important in embryo development leads to premature aging and loss of stem cell reservoirs in adult mice. When the researchers deleted ATR in the tissues of adult mice, they noticed that the mice showed signs of premature aging, such as hair graying, hair loss, and osteoporosis, within three to four months.

Researchers Find that Sex Matters When it Comes to Stem Cells
Live Science
June 9, 2007
Stem cells taken from the muscles of female mice are better at regenerating tissue than those taken from male mice, a new study finds. This revelation could have a major impact on the development of stem cells as therapies for many diseases and conditions.

Stem Cell Aging from DNA Damage
June 7, 2007
British and U.S. scientists have separately shown DNA damage causes premature aging in bone-marrow-derived stem cells. That, the scientists reported in a similar conclusion, might underlie the reduced capacity of stem cells to yield new tissues and repair injury over time.

Mouse Skin Cells Engineered to be Identical to Embryonic Stem Cells
Associated Press
June 6, 2007
Scientists have long hoped to bypass the embryo procedure, and simply reprogram ordinary body cells to behave like stem cells. In a leap forward for stem cell research, three independent teams of scientists reported Wednesday that they have produced the equivalent of embryonic stem cells in mice using skin cells without the controversial destruction of embryos.

Paralyzed Rats Walk Again After Human Adult Stem Cell Treatment
Medical News Today
June 6, 2007
Rats paralyzed due to loss of blood flow to the spine returned to near normal ambulatory function six weeks after receiving grafts of human spinal stem cells (hSSCs), researchers from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine report. The researchers believe that the therapy may eventually be proven even more effective in human patients, who would be able to receive physical therapy once treated.

Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells and Their Importance
American Chronicle
June 3, 2007
Umbilical cord blood is the blood that is found in the umbilical cord and the placenta. It is extracted immediately after the delivery of the baby. This blood is rich in stem cells. Why do we need to preserve the cord blood? It is very important because the stem cells of cord blood can be used for treatment of many deadly diseases.

Paralyzed Man Will Get Indian Stem Cell Treatment
Sunshine Coast Daily
June 3, 2007
A-year-and-a-half ago, the little things most of us take for granted were taken away from 41-year-old Andrew when he was paralysed after a motorbike crash. On June 20, he hopes to get his movement back by undergoing stem cell treatment at a private Indian hospital.

Public Confused About Adult and Embryonic Stem Cells
Times Union
June 1, 2007
Many individuals make the grave error of conflating adult stem cell research with embryonic stem cell research. The differences between the two types of research are crucial, and can be easy to miss because of news stories that fail to distinguish between them.

False Hope Comes with Embryonic Stem Cells
The Des Moines Register
May 31, 2007
People who have been affected by ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) were in Washington, D.C., lobbying for passage of a bill authorizing federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research. Many mistakenly believe that embryonic stem cells "may hold the key to finding a cure." Only adult stem cells have been proven effective in the treatment of disease and injuries.

Muscle Building Stem Cells for Regenerative Therapy
Cell Press
May 31, 2007
A new report confirms the existence of some apparently uncommitted stem cells amongst cells responsible for generating the bulging biceps of body builders and the rippling abs of fitness buffs. The findings could lead to new muscle-regenerating therapies--including cell transplantation regimens and stem cell-replenishing drugs--for people with various muscle-wasting diseases, including muscular dystrophies.

U.S. Citizens Denied at Home Leave Country for Stem Cell Treatment
The Salt Lake Tribune
May 27, 2007
Three months after experimental adult stem cell treatment in China, Tori can take a cookie from her father's hand. The family, like a growing number of Americans, feel they can't wait for U.S. scientists to prove new adult stem cell therapies safe or effective. With few treatment options here, the Orem girl's parents took her to the a stem cell clinic in Hangzhou in January.

Adult Stem Cells Engineered to Produce Insulin
May 25, 2007
Stem cells taken from the umbilical cords of newborns can be engineered to produce insulin and may someday be used to treat diabetes, U.S. and British researchers reported on Friday. The researchers in Texas and Newcastle used human umbilical cord blood because it is an especially rich source of fresh "adult" stem cells.

3-Year-Old Fights Leukemia with Umbilical Cord Stem Cells
BBC News
May 23, 2007
A three-year-old girl is in an isolation unit in hospital after a stem cell transplant which is regarded as a last chance to save her life. Stem cells from a US baby's umbilical cord were used to build bone marrow and now Eva's family face an anxious wait.

Parkinson's Disease Seemingly Cured with Indian Stem Cell Therapy
Indian Express Newspapers Limited
May 22, 2007
Manipal Hospital, Bangalore claimed of having discovered stem cells that help in recovery of a patient suffering from Parkinson's Disease (PD). Manipal used the benefits of stem cell research and helped US national Andrew get a new hope. PD typically affects people over the age of 50. The primary treatment of the disease at best removes some of the symptoms but does not stop the progression of the disease.

Perianal Fistulas Curable with Adult Stem Cell Treatment
MedPage Today
May 22, 2007
Stem cells derived from a patient's own fat can cure a perianal fistula, a Spanish researcher said. In a phase II clinical trial, patients treated with a combination of fibrin glue and stem cells derived from their own adipose tissue saw their fistulas cured 71% of the time, according to Damian García-Olmo, Ph.D., of La Paz Hospital in Madrid.

U.S. Researchers Still Question Stem Cell Therapy, But Can't Deny Effectiveness
May 20, 2007
As local patients put their faith - and their money - in an overseas stem cell treatment, some U.S. researchers caution that much remains unknown. But individuals such as Neim, who is a heart patient, are walking proof of the effectiveness of stem cell treatment.

Stem Cells Regrow Hair, Baldness Treatment Possible
Daily Mail
May 17, 2007
It could be the answer to the prayers of millions of men. Scientists have coaxed stem cells into growing hair for the first time. Within a decade, advances in stem cell science could help people to regrow their own hair where it has been lost. The breakthrough could also lead to new treatments for other conditions, such as alopecia, in which hair is lost in patches.

UK/Israeli Join Efforts to Develop Stem Cell Therapies for Lung Disease
May 16, 2007
UK stem cell specialist NovaThera Ltd announced a collaboration with its Israeli counterpart Gamida Cell Ltd aimed at developing cell therapies for lung repair and regeneration. "This is a very exciting development, and could be a huge step towards a practical approach to the regeneration and repair of lungs severely damaged by incurable diseases such as emphysema and smoking," said Julia Polak, founder of NovaThera.

National Pediatric Doctors Group Wants Exclusive Support of Adult Stem Cell Research
Life News
May 14, 2007
A national doctors group for pediatricians says it wants state and federal governments to look to adult stem cell research as the vehicle for public funding rather than throwing money at studies using embryonic stem cells. The group says adult stem cell research has been significantly more successful. The American College of Pediatricians recommends that public officials consider supporting adult stem cells exclusively.

Stem Cells: A Breakdown, and Cord Blood Stem Cells Explained
American Chronicle
May 14, 2007
You've probably heard about the mystical power of stem cells. But did you know how they work and what makes the cord blood stem cells different than all of the other stem cells? It is important to learn about the types of stem cells by purpose, in order to determine the answer to these and many other questions. Stem cells and using them to treat a plethora of conditions is a fact of life that is here to stay. It's time to brush up on some facts.

Girl with Cerebral Palsy will Leaves UK for Stem Cell Treatment
ITV Network Limited
May 14, 2007
Kishor and his wife, Priti, want eight-year-old Vaishnavi, also known as Shonia, to have the stem cell treatment. The treatment is not yet available in the UK, but a hospital in China has made a breakthrough in treating cerebral palsy by injecting stem cells into the spinal cord fluid which then flow directly into the brain. The treatment in China uses stem cells, taken from the umbilical cords of healthy babies, which develop into new nerve cells and repair some of the brain damage.

Cartilage Replacement Procedure Uses Body's Own Stem Cells
Deutsche Welle
May 13, 2007
German researchers have developed an alternative therapy for cartilage replacement, based on using the body's own stem cells and self-healing processes. The new procedure, known as AMIC (autologous matrix induced chondrogenesis,) is being tested in clinics in Regensburg, Hanover, Freiburg and Potsdam.

Abnormal Corneal Cell Growth Cured with Bone Marrow Stem Cells?
May 11, 2007
A new study has found that bone marrow stem cells can switch roles and produce keratocan, a natural protein involved in the growth of the cornea, the transparent, outer layer of the eyeball. Researchers found that after only one week, the abnormal corneas of animal models injected with bone marrow stem cells began to change shape and heal.

Blind Man Sees Stem Cells as the Only Hope
Edinburgh News
May 9, 2007
A BLIND man has undergone controversial stem cell treatment that he hopes could lead to him regaining his sight. James Logan has been blind for 23 years. He is so desperate to get his sight back that he attended a new clinic in Germany - despite the warnings of a UK medical expert, who described his treatment as "implausible".

Heart Trial Holds Promise to Break New Ground
May 9, 2007
A clinical stem cell trial involving Austin patients has some doctors saying it may change medicine forever. The trial involves heart attack patients using adult stem cells. The stem cells are from the donated bone marrow of healthy adults. The trial is in its first phase, with just 10 sites around the nation. Doctors are already saying the results hold the promise of doing what has never been done before, rebuilding heart muscle of heart attack patients.

Insulin Production Unaffected by Adult Stem Cells
Medical Research News
May 8, 2007
Diabetes researchers, investigating how the body supplies itself with insulin, discovered to their surprise that adult stem cells, which they expected to play a crucial role in the process, were nowhere to be found. Many researchers had proposed that adult stem cells develop into insulin-producing cells, called beta cells, in the pancreas. Instead, the beta cells themselves divide, although slowly, to replenish their own population.

Mysterious Donation Allows Man to Pay for Stem Cell Treatment
New Castle Journal
May 8, 2007
An anonymous £10,000 donation has ensured a North man dying of a degenerative brain disease will now be able to fly to China for stem cell treatment to gain precious extra years with his family. Spinocerebellar ataxia sufferer Scott Nugent, 34, from Whitley Bay, North Tyneside, is pinning his hopes on the controversial treatment to prolong his life long enough to see two-year-old son George grow up.

Cord Blood Banking Becoming the Popular Choice
May 8, 2007
Industry officials estimate that up to half a million unique blood samples have been banked over the past decade, and the number is growing at between 15 to 25 percent per year. Cord blood stem cells have been used therapeutically for more than a decade to treat over 70 diseases, including many cancers and blood disorders. But it is the cells' potential applications in the field of regenerative medicine that is creating much of the buzz.

Reserve Stem Cells Come to the Rescue
Johns Hopkins University
May 6, 2007
Johns Hopkins researchers have identified a backup supply of stem cells that can repair the most severe damage to the nerves responsible for our sense of smell. These reservists normally lie around and do nothing, but when neighboring cells die, the scientists say, the stem cells jump into action. A report on the discovery will appear online next week in Nature Neuroscience.

Baby Hailey Fights Leukemia with Cord Blood Stem Cells
Ventura County Star
May 5, 2007
Hailey is going through pre-transplant procedures that include a bone marrow biopsy and scans of the brain, body and heart. She will be admitted on May 21. She will be isolated in a sanitized, sterile area and be given a nearly lethal treatment of chemotherapy intended to wipe out the diseased blood cells. Stem cells from the donated cord blood will be transplanted into her body so they can create new healthy blood cells and rid the body of leukemia.

Research Reveals How Adult/Progenitor Cells Repair Tissue
Medical News Today
May 3, 2007
New studies in the laboratory of Dr. Darwin J. Prockop, Director of Tulane University's Center for Gene Therapy, are shedding light on the previously mysterious mechanism through which even relatively small amounts of stem/progenitor cells taken from a patient's own bone marrow enhance repair of damaged tissues. Better understanding of the different mechanisms of these stem/progenitor cells suggests multiple strategies for developing new therapies for a broad range of diseases, says Dr. Prockop. It also may help make such treatments more effective and minimize potential dangers.

MS Patient Chooses China Over U.S. Due to Cost
The Journal Gazette
May 3, 2007
Riley needed a permanent solution. He needs a stem-cell transplant. Doctors would use chemotherapy to wipe out his immune system and then introduce a new one using stem cells. But Riley's insurance wouldn't pay for it. Four times, he said, he was rejected. Not long after that, Riley learned of the treatment available in China. Before long, he'd made up his mind. He has paid $23,000 in advance for treatment. On May 17, he leaves for China, where he will remain until late June.

Stem Cells Enhance Plastic Surgery Techniques
Make Me Heal News
May 2, 2007
Stem cells are becoming more widely used in plastic surgery for breast augmentations, as fillers for wrinkles, and to enlarge any body part where more fullness is sought. With the European Union and Britain having just approved the use of stem cells for cosmetic surgery this month, this move is likely to make the use of stem cells more and more popular worldwide and ultimately in the United States.

Stem Cells Lessen Suffering for People with Multiple Sclerosis
Therapeutics Daily
May 1, 2007
The suffering of multiple sclerosis patients may be eased by redistributing their own cells using adult bone marrow stem cell treatment. Patients suffering from the debilitating effects of multiple sclerosis (MS) may soon be able to get a little help from some of their own redistributed cells. Prof Neil Scolding of the Institute of Neurosciences at Bristol University's Frenchay Hospital is researching the use of adult bone marrow stem cells as a therapy treatment for MS.

Child with Brain Injury Due to Shattered Skull will Travel to China for Stem Cells
Lancaster Farming
April 28, 2007
After three years of countless therapies, daily care, and even the addition of a baby sister to the family, Tom and Mandy haven't given up hope that their 6-year-old son will someday walk and talk again. Mandy explained that stem cells are harvested, with permission, from the umbilical cords of healthy full-term babies whose mothers have chosen to donate the cords. The procedure requires Mandy, Jonny and a nurse to remain in China from May 30 to July 3.

Fundraiser Supports Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Research in Australia
Courier Mail Australia
April 26, 2007
Professor Kerry Atkinson of the Mater Medical Research Institute recently allocated a grant by Inner Wheel. He heads a team of individuals in Australia who have positioned themselves at the forefront of cord blood research. Improving the treatment outcomes for patient's receiving cord blood transplants is the primary focus of Professor Atkinson and his team's current research. Patients sometime have a low blood count after transplants. Increasing the chance for a stable recovery, he said that he could possibly cut down on this risk.

19 Year Old Suffering from Cerebral Palsy Makes Dramatic Improvement
Medical News Today
April 22, 2007
Neural stem cells were introduced through a safe, non-evasive procedure into the spinal fluid of 19-year-old Gabor from Hungary. His most noticeable and immediate physical improvements after the eight-week stem cell therapy program included improved vision, increased eye focus and better concentration on one subject. He also reported clearer writing, enhanced muscle tone, the ability to sit up unsupported, and a new capability to walk and swim in an unassisted manner.

Adult Stem Cells Provide Miraculous Treatment for Man with "Nine Lives"
Yahoo! News
April 20, 2007
Instead of a hospice and death, an American man with a raft of medical problems was given a new lease on life by the technology of adult stem cell therapy. The cells were derived from Dave's own blood. Only five weeks follwing the treatment, Dave was having measurable improvements. At the ten week mark he went to Washington to testify on stem cells. At his six-month checkup, his home doctor told him his ejection fraction had more than doubled. This doctor was quite a skeptic prior to these results.

Teen Hopes to Walk after Adult Stem Cell Treatment Restores Sensation in Legs
Shreveport Times
April 20, 2007
Kayla received a series of stem cell treatments meant to aid in the reversal of a paralyzing injury she received last May. A passenger in a vehicle that flipped out of control, Kayla was left paralyzed at mid-chest. The treatments - four spinal injections and one IV containing stem cells harvested from non-embryonic stem cells taken from an umbilical cord after a newborn's birth - were given every five to seven days. Coupled with intense twice-a-day physical therapy sessions and six days a week acupuncture, the treatments have helped Kayla regain muscle control below the injury site.

13 Brazilian's Suffering from Type I Diabetes Insulin Free After Stem Cell Treatment
Times Leader
April 18, 2007
The patients involved were ages 14 to 31 and newly diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. An estimated 12 million to 24 million people worldwide - including 1 to 2 million in the United States - have this form of diabetes, which is typically diagnosed in children or young adults. An autoimmune disease, it occurs when the body attacks insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. "It's the first time in the history of Type I diabetes where people have gone with no treatment whatsoever ... no medications at all, with normal blood sugars," said study co-author Dr. Richard Burt.

Cord Blood Stem Cells Used to Help Boy with Fanconi Disorder
Ocala Star-Banner
April 16, 2007
A disease that gradually erodes bone marrow, Fanconi anemia killed Logan's brother Zac five years ago. If the rare genetic disorder is left untreated, eventually Logan's body will no longer be able to create blood. He will suffer the same fate as his brother. Via a transfusion port that was implanted in his abdomen last week, Logan had a small pouch of the maroon-colored cells attached to his body. The process of rebuilding bone marrow and consequently a new immune system began as the fluid flooded into Logan's 30-pound body.

Bone Marrow Stem Cells "Germinate" into Sperm Cells
April 14, 2007
Researchers managed to encourage mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to differentiate into reproductive cells, known as germ cells. The cells could be used to produce eggs and sperm for patients suffering from infertility since they are a new source of female and male germ cells. The research, published in the latest edition of the journal Reproduction: Gamete Biology built upon previous research by the group that showed that mouse bone marrow could be used to create spermatagonial cells.

Cousins Travel to Bangkok to Regain Heart Function
PR Web
April 9, 2007
Two cousins suffering with heart failure from Long Island, New York, travel to Bangkok for adult stem cell therapy to get back their normal, more active lives. The cousin's hope that they can lead normal lives following the treatment. Hundreds of patients are now more energetic and pain-free. Ann and Fay hope to be among those who have had successful results with adult stem cell therapy.

Cord Blood Storage: The New Biological Insurance
The Star
April 8, 2007
If we already have a society that is involved with insurance on a multitude of levels, why no "biological" insurance? For those who worry about the future health of their family , stem cell banking and preservation offers exactly this opportunity. Currently stem cell research is being conducted all over the world for other diseases like Parkinson's, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's and heart problems. The therapy has shown promise in many cases and is gaining popularity with each successful result.

Potential Stem Cell Cure for Hearing Loss Heard Around the World
Case Western Reserve University
April 6, 2007
Researchers believe that certain precursor cells have the potential to regenerate the damaged hair cells in the ear and restore normal hearing. As the ear develops and ages, the ability for the precursor cells to regenerate hair cells becomes diminished. But new hair cells could be regenerated by activating the cochlear stem cells. The team's primary focus is to devise a therapy to do just that.

Parkinson's Patient Cured by Indian Stem Cell Treatment
Tribune News Service
April 4, 2007
The first world wide case of a recovery from Parkinson's disease as a result of stem cells extracted from the patient's own body was reported today at Manipal hospital in India. Today Andrew met the media to tell his story and walked to the podium unaided. His speech has improved dramatically and his tremors have reduced significantly along with improvement in his handwriting, gait, general muscle strength, and bowel movements.

Couple Travels to China to Remedy Inherited Brain Disorder
The Canadian Press
April 3, 2007
In late April, the couple will arrive in Shenzhen, China, where they will spend a month of their lives. At the clinic, doctors will inject stem cells into J.C.'s spine. Intensive physiotherapy and deep acupuncture will also be part of the treatment protocol. The mix of "Chinese medicine" will help direct the stem cells to the areas of the brain that require restoration.

Media Supresses Adult Stem Cell Breakthrough for Heart Valves
Investor's Business Daily
April 3, 2007
Yacoub, who has been called the world's leading heart surgeon, worked with his team to grow tissue that functions identical to human heart valves. Prof. Yacoub's team may have found a way of providing replacement heart valves to the estimated 600,000 people (according to the World Health Organization) who will need them by 2010. These findings may come as a revelation to some because the media has decided not to discuss the story since embryonic stem cells were not involved.

Rally Racer Turns to Stem Cell Therapy After Accident Leaves Him Paralyzed
Belfast Telegraph
March 31, 2007
In a bid to change his life through controversial stem cell treatment, a paraplegic man will travel 5,000 miles to the other side of the world. Christopher was paralyzed after living through a horrific rally racing accident where his navigator was killed. Christopher believes that the therapy will end the constant pain he endures. The technique, which will be performed by a Chinese clinic, involves transplanting stem cells into patients after taking them from the patient's own body, or a suitable donor.

Thai Hospital Helps American Man's Heart with Adult Stem Cell Procedure
Suburban Journals
March 30, 2007
This specific stem cell procedure has only been performed on 44 Americans. A number which now includes Bill. It involves harvesting blood from either the patient's bone marrow or main blood stream. The blood is processed and the stem cells are extracted. Then either through a main artery in the leg that leads to the heart, or through general surgery, the stem cells are re-injected into the patient. Now after the treatment, Bill says that each passing month makes him feel healthier and stronger.

Adult Stem Cells > Embryonic - Media and Scientific Journals have Misled Public
CBN News
March 28, 2007
Cameron says people believe that stem cells from destroyed human embryos are the answer. But new evidence shows that it's the so-called 'adult stem cells' -- like those from umbilical cord blood -- that are providing the only human success stories. But public confusion is an underlying problem, Cameron says. The media have misled the public and given embryonic stem cells a glamorous image, despite the reality. "Whenever you see a report of stem cells curing anybody, you can be absolutely 100-percent certain that these are so-called adult stem cells; they're not stem cells from embryos," Cameron explained.

Ball State Student Regains Sensation After Stem Cell Therapy
BSU Daily News
March 28, 2007
In February 2006, Jeff and his family flew to Russia for a three-week visit. Jeff underwent treatment in which Neupogen, an amino acid that stimulates red blood cell growth, was injected into his blood stream. After five days, the blood was harvested and put into a machine that separates stem cells from the blood. The stem cells were then injected into his spinal cord. "I do think I am going to walk again," Jeff said. "I don't know if it's going to be a year from now or ten years from now, but I will walk again."

Heart Organ Performance Dramatically Improves with Adult Stem Cells
ABC News
March 26, 2007
Scientists have announced that they have been able to use stem cells to treat patients with heart failure, some of the first evidence that the much-hyped therapy could have significant clinical benefits. Joseph M. Hare, who led the study, sees an even larger goal: ending cardiovascular disease, as we know it. With the advent of these treatments, he said he envisioned heart disease -- now the No. 1 killer of Americans -- becoming more like infectious disease, which has been more easily treatable and much less fatal since antibiotics were introduced.

Liver Regeneration Doubled with Adult Stem Cell Therapy
In The News
March 26, 2007
The latest issue of Radiology has highlighted the achievement of a team of German scientists who used adult bone marrow stem cells to regenerate human liver tissue. The procedure could facilitate surgery to remove any cancerous growth that previously would have been impossible if the cells can indeed enable patients to grow more healthy cells in the liver.

6th Grader Wins Essay Contest, Writes About Power of Adult Stem Cells
Catholic News Service
March 20, 2007
Embryonic stem-cell use is morally unacceptable, while adult stem-cell use is acceptable and is saving lives now. The was the messages that was crystal clear after reading 12-year-old Erik's recent essay on stem cells. The outlook appeared to be bleak two years ago when Erik's mother Hedy was diagnosed with leukemia. However, his mother was healed thanks to an adult stem-cell transplant which Erik chronicles in his essay. Today, Hedy is cancer-free. The benefits of adult stem cells have already made their mark and his mother is proof. But embryonic stem cells have yet to benefit humanity as Erik points out in his essay.

Adult Stem Cells for Heart Regeneration
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
March 19, 2007
Using a patient's own cells to treat heart disease, Steve became the first patient to enter a novel stem cell clinical trial at the University of Wisconsin. About 10 patients will be treated at the University of Wisconsin Hospital, but a total of approximately 150 people will be treated around the country as part of the trial. For Steve's trial, one-third will be injected with a placebo saline solution, another third will get 10 million stem cells, and the last third will be injected with about 50 million stem cells.

Moving Forward with Umbilical Cord Stem Cells
Daytona Beach News Journal
March 18, 2007
For diseases in both children and adults, umbilical cord transplants are beginning to look more attractive and are being selected earlier than before as a method of treatment. While bone marrow transplants require a the donor to go through a painful and time consuming procedure, umbilical cord collection only takes a few minutes and is non-invasive. The cells are more adaptable to recipients outside the donors' family as well. They are easier to use on unrelated donors since they mathc more individuals than bone marrow stem cells.

Pioneering Stem Cell Treatment Aids Patients with Rare Eye Disorder
The Argus
March 15, 2007
The disorder is called aniridia and is very rare. The genetic condition results in loss of vision and pain. Individuals are born with no iris and later develop problems on the surface of the eye. Stem cells are transplanted on to the surface of the cornea after being grown in a laboratory until the form sheets. The cells themselves are taken from the patients themselves, living realtives, or even dead donors.

Myeloma and Stem Cell Transplants
HealthDay News
March 14, 2007
Rather than receiving two transplants from themselves, researchers are now reporting that younger patients who have been diagnosed with myeloma survived longer if they received a stem cell transplant from themselves but then followed by one from a matched sibling. In contrast to transplants using a patients own cells, patients receiving stem cell transplants from other donors experience longer remissions and lower relapse rates.

Paralyzed Teen Traveling to Russia for Stem Cells
McKinney Courier-Gazette
March 11, 2007
Now 19, Tonya will be leaving for Moscow, Russia, where she will receive stem cell therapy. Her life is set to change again after some generous donations and several fundraisers. Tonya's stem cells will be derived from her own blood and injected into her spinal cord. She is anxious about traveling to Russia, especially since she will only have one translator available to assist her with the language barrier. But aside from any other nervous feelings, she is keeping faith that she will be able to walk once again.

Man's Battles and Beats Cancer Thanks to Adult Stem Cells
Messenger News
March 5, 2007
Because of the therapy he received to fight his cancer, Daymon says he is healthy today and working once again. The same doctor that treated 7-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong also treated Daymon. He learned first-hand how stem cell treatments can work during a journey that took a year out of his life and sent him to Indiana University. His wife remembers the doctor saying, "'he had chemotherapy once and it came back. What makes you think it would work the second time?' He said, 'I'll knock you down to nothing."' Dr. Lawrence said would kill the cancer.

Quadriplegic Returns From Stem Cell Treatment in China
The Associated Press
February 28, 2007
In 2004 during a snowmobile accident, Kirk was paralyzed after breaking two vertebrae in his neck and has no movement below his chest. He received 5 stem cell injections over a five week period. Unrelated to the controversial stem cell transplants involving fluid taken from unborn human embryos, Kirk's treatment consisted of stem cell fluid derived from the blood extracted from discarded umbilical cords. The stem cell spinal fluid was injected into Kirk's lumbar area and spinal cord in the Shenzhen hospital.

Paralyzed Man Walks Again
The Tribune Trust
February 25, 2007
Last October, while Akbar was working at a construction site in Abu Dhabi, he fell from the fourth floor of a building and sustained significant injuries to his spinal cord. After only two months of adult stem cell therapy, he has regained the ability to walk again. Doctor's said that the procedure usually works best on recent injuries in younger individuals, but could be used to treat all paraplegics. There were no ethical concerns connected to the treatment, nor was there any risk of rejection.

Girl with Rare Genetic Condition Travels for Stem Cell Treatment
Gazette Extra
February 23, 2007
Suffering from Glucose Transporter Deficiency, the nine-year-old Brooke is unable to function like a typical child and suffers from cerebral palsy like symptoms. She cannot stand for longer than seven minutes without holding on to something, and her brain abnormalities limit her speech as well. She will soon have more than 60 million stem cells injected into her body with the hope of driving back the uncommon genetic condition.

Media Cover-Up, Public Left in the Dark About Adult Stem Cell Superiority
Weekly Standard
February 19, 2007
Adult stem cells, an ethical alternative to those that are derived from embryos, have proven themselves to be more effective thus far and have accomplished astonishing breakthroughs far beyond anything managed by their embryonic counterparts. Selective reporting has failed to provide the public with accurate information as to the potential surrounding ethical stem cell sources. Proponents of embryonic stem cell funding have failed to realize that it is the biological disparity, and not the deficiency of funding that has hampered embryonic stem cell research.

Brain Damaged Teen Returns After Stem Cell Treatment in China
Deseret Morning News
February 13, 2007
In an effort to reduce some of the effects of Tori's brain damage, her treatment on the 20th floor of the Chinese clinic was composed of electronic muscle treatment, acupuncture, aggressive physical therapy, and of course stem cells. Improvements in eating, better control of her body, and more successful communication were results that the family hoped for more than a month ago when discussing the stem cell treatment and trip to China. And Tori's circumstances have already begun to improve.

Female Enhancement, Adult Stem Cells Stay Abreast of the Situation
Daily Mail
February 12, 2007
Yesterday, a ground-breaking stem cell treatment allowed women to create their own breast implants. Unlike the synthetic implants that are used by Hollywood stars, the outcome from the stem cells produce in a more natural appearance. Women who have undergone the procedure say they have had no problems, and the Japanese research team responsible has carried out trials on dozens of women.

Cord Blood Stem Cell Treatment for Woman with Spinal Aneurysm
Rocky Mountain Telegram
February 11, 2007
Last year, Dawn, 28, traveled with her mother, Phyllis, to the Chinese city of Shenzhen, a coastal city near Hong Kong, where she sought treatment for a spinal aneurysm she suffered when she was 20 years old. Dawn received five injections in her back, and another through an IV. Doctors estimated that she received 50,000 to 100,000 stem cells per injection, but they have no way of calculating the total number.

Toddler Fights Rare Leukemia Using Stem Cells
Cambridge Evening News
February 9, 2007
Using stem cells from an umbical cord from Japan, her best chance of beating acute myeloid leukemia is now a new form of stem cell therapy. This option became available after she failed to respond well to chemotherapy treatment at Addenbrooke's Hospital and as no suitable donor was found. Her ground-breaking surgery is scheduled for today, and she must be closely protected from now on. She will be highly vulnerable to infection says her father who is in Bristol with her.

Potential Cure for Diabetes Using Adult Stem Cells Found
Medical News Today
February 7, 2007
Dr. Banting and Dr. Best discovered insulin in 1929, but according to several American diabeteologists and researchers, this could be the most significant step towards a cure for diabetes since that time. The dramatic improvement of the diabetes patients can most likely be contributed to the implanted autologous stem cells. The cells were able to regenerate the destroyed beta cells in the Islets of Langerhans within the pancreas. Insulin was then produced by the newly formed beta cells.

Man's Own Fat Stem Cells Transplanted into Heart
February 7, 2007
Doctors have implanted adult stem cells extracted from a man's fat tissue through liposuction into his heart, in an experimental treatment for angina and heart disease. Cardiologists at the Spanish hospital are developing the new treatment with doctors at the Texas Heart Institute in Houston. They said the man, whose name has not been made public and who had the treatment on January 30, is the first in a study which will involve 36 patients.

Cord Blood Stem Cells Last Resort for Young Man with Rare Immune Disease
The Courier-Journal
February 6, 2007
Freddie suffers from hyper-IgM syndrome, a condition there is no screening for. His immune system fails to produce certain antibodies, a characteristic of the rare disease which he was born with. Freddie will begin chemotherapy this week and his enlarged spleen will receive radiation in preparation for the transplant which involves umbilical cord blood stem cells taken from two different sources.

Improving Cartilage Healing with Adult Stem Cells
University of Guelph
February 6, 2007
Researchers at the University of Guelph are hoping stem cells might provide the needed tissue replacements for cartilage - an exceptionally slow-healing tissue. As anyone who's ever injured a knee or elbow will tell you, recovery can be a long and painful process. Missing or damaged tissue is often irreplaceable, but that could soon change thanks to current research.

Stem Cell Therapy for Boy After Near Drowning Leaves Him in Vegetative State
Northwest Florida Daily News
February 5, 2007
After becoming intoxicated at a beach party with other teens, the then fourteen year old Michael drowned. He was resuscitated but the damage was done. Extensive brain damage occurred when he went without oxygen for a period between 10 and 30 minutes. In late November, doctor's injected stem cells several times into his bloodstream and spine while his father sat hoping for positive results in a Chinese hospital.

An Adult Stem Cell Answer for Alzheimer's?
The Marlborough Express
February 5, 2007
Ground breaking research was presented at the Blenheim Wesley Center on adult stem cell transplants. Enabling brain cells destroyed by diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinsons, and Huntingtons, to be restored; a feasible number of adult stem cells were effectively transplanted for the first time by neuroscientists at Auckland University.

Naples Man Fights Against Heart Failure with Aid of Stem Cells
Naples News
February 1, 2007
In early May, the Bangkok Heart Hospital administered the treatment for Mel. After 36 injections and an entire month, his treatment was complete. The right side of his heart received six injections while the weaker left side of his heart received the other 30. In regards to his ejection fraction, a measurment of his heart's efficiency, he said that, "since I've been back, seven weeks ago it was 34 (from his initial score of 19), so it's gone up 90 percent."

Adult Heart Cell Found to have Same Capability as Embryonic Stem Cell
University of Minnesota
January 20, 2007
A new cell type in adult rat heart tissue has been found by researchers at the University of Minnesota. This gives hope for the possibility of treatments such as the growth of new blood vessels for use in bypass surgery or to repair damaged heart muscle after a heart attack. The cells could be expanded in a lab after being harvested and then used in therapy.

Paralyzed Sisters Return from China After Adult Stem Cell Treatment
January 19, 2007
After undergoing experimental stem cells transfusions for their damaged spines, sisters Shannon, 21, and Erica, 18, have returned from China. They are hopeful that that treatment will have an effect, but they say it is still too early to tell. But there are signs that the stem cells have begun their work. The controversial use of embryonic stem cells was avoided said the girls father Tony. "This was an umbilical cord blood stem cell treatment so there was a lot less controversy, and it seemed to be yielding better results," said Tony.

Skin Disorders and Adult Stem Cells, Scleroderma Treated
Ivanhoe Broadcast News
January 16, 2007
Julian suffers from a disease that is rare and afflicts only 100,000 Americans. It's so painful it can disable or even kill them. Hopefully, Julian won't have anymore bad days after an adult stem cell transplant. A successful treatment using adult stem cells for scleroderma, could lead to the development of other similar treatments to benefit others afflicted with similar illnesses.

Woman with Brain Damage Better Thanks to Adult Stem Cells
ABC Online
January 16, 2007
Quita was competing at Timber Creek when she fell and sustained injuries which left her unconscious for six weeks. After suffering severe brain injury, she says adult stem cell research has helped her recover from her horrific camp drafting accident four years ago.

Scientists Investigate Adult Stem Cells Potential to Heal Diseased Heart
January 15, 2007
In order to determine if a subject's own stem cells can treat a form of severe coronary artery disease, Rush University Medical Center is becoming one of the first medical centers in the country to participate in The Autologous Cellular Therapy CD34-Chronic Myocardial Ischemia (ACT34-CMI) Trial. "What we're hoping is that these stem cells will be able to stimulate the growth of new blood vessels to bring more blood and oxygen to the heart muscle," said Dr. Gary.

Device Harvests Adult Stem Cells, Kills Cancer Cells
January 10, 2007
Sidestepping the contentious use of stem cells derived from embryos, researchers at the University of Rochester have unveiled a new device technology that makes it feasible to harvest stem cells from the blood. Two devices, one to kill the cancer cells and another to enrich the stem cells, have been developed by Michael thanks to the findings.

"Bio-Ink" Printer Creates Muscle and Bone Cells from Adult Stem Cells
Discovery News
January 9, 2007
For the first time, using one type of adult stem cell, scientists have discovered a means by which to produce bone and muscle. The field of tissue engineering moves one step closer to functioning the same way that the body does by using the "bio-ink" printer. The technique could make it easier to produce replacement muscle and bone for people suffering from trauma or tissue diseases.

Amniotic Fluid New Source for Multi-Potent Stem Cells
HealthDay News
January 7, 2007
Scientists on Sunday reported the discovery of a new source of human stem cells that have the capability to develop into many different types of cells, including muscle, bone, fat, blood vessel, nerve and liver cells. These stem cells, found in amniotic fluid, could one day lead to a readily available supply of stem cells that don't come with the ethical problems surrounding embryonic stem cells.

Paraplegic Woman Travels Abroad for Stem Cell Treatment
Toronto Sun
January 5, 2007
When the driver of a car Kim was riding in fell asleep in 2003, they crashed into another vehicle. Thankfully, her children only suffered minor injuries; but Kim, she broke her pelvis, shoulder, neck, and her back. Doctors informed her that she would be completely paraplegic. Now, Kim is traveling to China with the anticipation that stem cell injections will give her legs back to her.

Brain Damaged Teen Heads to China for Stem Cells
The Daily Herald
January 3, 2007
Tori was left with brain damage in June of 2005 at the age of 15, due to a car accident and near drowning. Ranging from hyperbaric oxygen treatment to physical therapy, Tori's parents Tim and Maria, and tried a variety of treatments for the past year and a half. But Tori will fly to China on January 10th, to under go stem cell treatment over the course of 32 days. Online research led to the family's discovery of the treatment possibility overseas.

Paraplegic Woman Regains Sensation in Legs
Standard Speaker
Janruary 3, 2007
Carmen had been paralyzed for two years due to an automobile accident, but after receiving experimental stem cell therapy in China, sensation has returned to her legs. She could only stand while wearing braces on her legs prior to the treatment. But now she can do much more, which is evident by her renewed ability to walk from bedroom to bedroom with the aid of a walker and her braces.


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